Home » “Zero to Ten” Habits List for Better Days

A photo focusing on a person's hands as they write a list in a spiral notebook. Text reads, "Zero to Ten: Building Habits for Better Days."

“Zero to Ten” Habits List for Better Days

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I was thinking about my hopes and goals for this year and how I plan to reach them.

I wanted to come up with a simple routine that I could do every day. But also something that would, over time, have a big impact. And something easy to remember!

I read a couple articles about “ten minutes a day of X” or “do Y three times every day,” and I liked the idea, but none of those fit quite right.

So I thought: let’s combine some of these.

What’s something that, if I did once every day, would make a big difference?

What’s something that I could do two of? 

Or three?

Ultimately, I came up with a list of eleven things. Going from zero to ten — starting with something not to do at all, up to something to do ten units of. The units could be actions (do this two times), length of time (do this for ten minutes), repetitions (do eight rows of crochet), or so on.

This is my zero to ten list: 

0: Snoozes on my alarm. 

1: Reach out to someone. Could be a text, a phone call, catching up, or something else.

2: Cups of tea. 

3: Things I’m grateful for, written down in a journal.

4: 400 words written of something.

5: Servings of fruits and vegetables.

6: Different exercises. Could be strength training or part of physical therapy.

7: Minutes of tidying. Not too much of an investment, just enough to let it add up.

8: Rows, lines, etc. of a craft of some kind.

9: Minutes of learning another language. It’s great for your brain!

10: Minutes of dedicated mindful meditation.


If I manage all eleven of those habits every day, over time they’ll make a huge difference. And they’re all pretty simple to complete. They definitely count as SMART goals too!

If I can get through my zero to ten list, I’ll count that as a pretty good day. And if I don’t get through it, it’s not a huge deal. It’s a goal, not a hard must. Some days will be busier than others, some days I might be sick, or unable to complete it for other reasons. The point is just to try. And trying will, in the long run, add up!

Does this sound like something you’d like? What would be on your zero to ten list?

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