Home » Hello World!

Hello World!

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Hello world, I’m Jay! 

I’ve never done this before — heck, I barely even use Facebook — but here I am. I’m ready to share my hobbies, my recipes, and my life with strangers on the Internet. Hopefully you won’t be strangers for long, though! My goal is to make connections with others out in the world who share my interests and dreams. 

My plan for this blog is to talk about the projects I work on, the recipes I come up with (and since I cook from scratch due to dietary restrictions, I come up with a lot of them), and things that I’ve found help me live a more mindful and joyful life. I’m passionate about a lot of things and I want to share them all. I also love trying new things, so this blog will evolve and grow alongside me as I do.

This blog will also serve as a sort of diary as I work toward my long-term goal of homesteading — my “homestead dream” of simple, natural living and a joyous home. I have a ways to go and a lot to learn before I get there, but with hard work and a little luck, one day I’ll be writing posts from a kitchen table laden with produce from my own garden, typing while I wait for fresh bread to finish baking and getting ready to host some friends.

I’m looking forward to the journey of blogging, and I hope you’ll come with me!


(About the title: traditionally in computer programming, the first thing you learn in any new language is how to produce the phrase “Hello World!” I always thought this was a wonderfully human impulse. When we’re learning something new, the first thing we try to do is reach out and say hello.)

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