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I have to be honest: summer is my least favorite season.
And it’s mostly because of the heat.

I’m really not a 90-degrees-outside kind of person.
But summer comes every year, and part of mindfulness is learning to accept what you can’t change.
So I’m trying to find happiness in the heat. The silver lining of the it’s-so-hot-my-brain-is-melting cloud.
Happiness in the Heat: What’s There to Love About Summer?
This is, essentially, a gratitude list about summer.
(Yes, some of these things aren’t summer-exclusive. But they happen in summer so I’m counting them.)
Everything’s green. Gardens are in full swing, loads of flowers are blooming, and the birds and bugs are thrilled.
Fresh food abounds. Most stuff grows during the summer, including some of my favorite fruits and vegetables like cucumbers and cherries. Since I try to eat seasonally to cut down on my carbon footprint, I only get summer foods during the summertime, so they’re particularly exciting.
The farmer’s market. Speaking of fresh food, the local farmer’s markets are filled with produce and all sorts of interesting prepared goods. We don’t have winter markets where I live so being able to pop over to the stalls and grab some summer squash or a hand pie is a summer luxury.
Long sunny days. I think this is true for most people, but I find my mood is better when it’s sunny. (Plus, I have narcolepsy — my brain thinks ‘dark’ means it’s time for sleep. More sun means I’m more awake in the evenings.)
Swimming. Indoor pools just aren’t the same as an outdoor watering hole. The rest of the year it’s far too cold to think about going for a swim outdoors, but summertime means the water is refreshingly cool, not bitingly.
Grilling out. Firing up the grill on a nice summer evening with friends is very hygge, and people have come up with ways to grill almost anything you could think of.
No dry skin. My skin gets horribly dry during the winter, to the point that I buy lotion by the quart (no kidding). I don’t suffer that same dryness during the warmer months!
Seeing the neighbors more. When it’s nice out, everybody comes outside. If I sit on the front porch I get to wave at people as they walk past (and pet their dogs). It’s great for socializing and building community.
Fireflies. What’s more summery than the blinking glow of little bugs? They’re like natural twinkle lights. Who needs artificial mood lighting when you can go outside?
Ice cream. Need I say more?
Happiness in the Heat of Summers Yet to Come
Another thing I try to keep in mind is that, the closer I get to my homestead dreams, the more exciting summer will become. It’s a busy season on the homestead, full of produce to grow, pick, and can (sometimes too much produce, maybe!).
I can’t wait for gorgeous beds overflowing with greenery, bees cheerfully buzzing by, chickens clucking gently as they wander about. Long summer evenings on a porch looking out on my very own homestead, sipping a cool drink and enjoying the present moment as fireflies light up the darkening sky. Kitchen counters overflowing with fruits and vegetables as I process and put them up for the winter. This is happiness in the heat.
A blazing hot summer doesn’t sound so bad if it comes with all that, does it?
Improvise and Adapt
Sure, some things just aren’t doable in the summer. But sometimes there are ways to engage in your favorite cool-weather fun despite the heat if you get a little creative.
Cozying up by the fire? A backyard campfire (away from anything flammable!) is perfectly summery! Break out the s’mores and enjoy the firelight.
Eating comfort food? Quick breads and soups are still enjoyable — just do your cooking and baking before midday when it starts really heating up. Plus, you could always try a cold soup!
Putting up twinkle lights? There’s no rule that says those are a cold-weather exclusive. Keep ‘em up all year!
Drinking hot cocoa? Go for cold cocoa instead and make a frappe-inspired blended drink.
Layering up? You can still layer in the summer — in some parts of the world it’s ideal, because it protects your skin from harsh summer sun and helps prevent hyperthermia. Stock up on thin linen and cotton fabrics and wrap yourself up in a cozy (but breathable) sweater or shawl.
Not dodging mosquitoes? …I can’t really help with this one. If you’ve got solid strategies for dealing with them, I’m all ears.
And keep in mind…
…Summer only lasts three months. If we hang in there, we’ll be back to crisp weather and pumpkin everything before we know it.
Are you a fan of summer? How do you find happiness in the heat?
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