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About Me

I’m Jay! I’m a twenty-something living near DC working toward a better, kinder life.


Once upon a time, I filled my days with as many activities as I could and spent most days living in the future until a health crisis forced me to pull back and reprioritize. When I took a look at my life then, I realized I was spending too much time on things that took energy away from me and not enough on what brings me joy: slower living, making things from scratch and by hand, caring for the planet and its people, and finding space for stillness and gratitude. So I decided to make a change. 


You might be here because, like me, you’ve experienced health problems or otherwise needed a reset. You might be here for the recipes, or because you like to craft, or because you’re looking for ways to be more eco-friendly. Or you might have stumbled here by accident, which is great too! Regardless of why you’re here, feel free to reach out in whatever way you like best to ask questions or chat. You’ll always be welcome here!