Home » Celebrate the Winter of 2022

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Celebrate the Winter of 2022

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For me, part of being mindful and living in the moment is taking time to find the good parts of the season I’m in — in this case, to celebrate the winter of 2022. (Well, 2022-2023. I’ve never been quite sure how to refer to the winter months!)

I like to come up with a sort of “punch list” or “bucket list” of things to do each season. They’re not exactly the same each year — this current winter will have a few new things compared to last winter’s. Some of them are projects I’d like to do, some are just fun activities. 

I also like to pick something off my homestead skills list to learn each season. This helps me keep on track for my homestead goals, and also gives me a deadline to help keep me from procrastinating!

The point is to help me be grateful and present, recognize how lucky I am to be able to experience life and this season, and make my days more intentional. Especially during winter, when the nights are long and sometimes things feel kinda heavy, focusing on the good is good for your health!

Here’s how I plan to celebrate…

How I’ll celebrate the winter of 2022:

Craft by the fireside. Nothing’s more cozy than making something by hand in the light and warmth of a fire. 

Finish up my knitted cardigan. I’m about halfway done with my first ever cardigan. I put the project on hold over the summer because it was just too hot for making anything large, but now that it’s cooling off I can come back to it.

Make a big pot of soup. Fall and winter are perfect times for a nice hearty soup. Maybe some nightshade-free chili?

Bake a cake. My grandmother’s birthday is in late January, and I’m lucky enough to live nearby. I want to make her something special from scratch, because she could use some celebrating!

Make a planting plan for the warmer months. I really want to get started growing some of my own food, even though it’ll probably all be in containers. The sooner I start, the sooner I get better, right? Plus, if I start trees and bushes now, by the time I have a yard they’ll be ready to go.  

Do a New Year’s clean. I like the idea of using the time between Christmas and New Year’s to tidy, clean, and purge your house of anything no longer serving you so that you can enter the New Year fresh and unencumbered. (It’s not like much usually happens during that week anyway, so it’s an excellent time to do so!) 

Spend some time in the snow (hopefully!). Snow isn’t a guarantee where I live, but with any luck we’ll get at least a bit this winter. Yes, I might need to shovel, but it’s almost a privilege to do so since it means I have some beautiful winter weather to enjoy.

New skill: learn to make pie crust. There’s a tiny restaurant in my hometown that makes amazing Cornish-style pasties, but moving away means I can’t pop over and buy one. So I’ll have to make my own — and the first step is learning to make the crust.

How will you be celebrating winter this year?

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